Great honey begins with happy and healthy bees. We follow a number of key practices we feel are critical to having healthy hives and great honey.
We do not use antibiotics in our apiary
We do not feed our bees high fructose corn syrup
We continually monitor our hives and provide humane bee care
We provide a combination of water, hive siting, and a wide range of trees and flowers for the perfect bee landscape
Our bees receive tremendous benefit from the wide variety of nectar sources on our farm. The flowers in the hayfields, meadows, brush rows and woods (bees love basswood!) are like old-fashioned farmland. We purposely manage our farm to keep it that way. This wide variety of pollen and nectar makes for great honey AND healthy bees unlike monoculture areas with a singular crop. We like the fact our bees do not have the exposure to the chemicals, herbicides and pesticides found in many suburban areas and industrial type farming operations.
We also keep our operation and processing equipment clean and spotless. Our honey is mechanically filtered the old-fashioned way to remove bits of wax, the occasional bee or other particles, but we make sure no flavor is removed! We do not heat process our honey and NEVER adulterate it with corn syrup or other sugar products. It is 100% pure honey just as our bees made it. We also use only glass jars to preserve that delicate, unique flavor of the honey and help the environment. We adhere to the “Food Safety Best Management Practices for Producing Honey” which allows us to be one of the few New York Grown and Certified Honey Producers in NYS and the only one in the region that has attained this certification.
Local bees, Local honey.
Sun Mountain Apiary 127 Marcus Road Delanson, NY 12053